Program Mentor Allocation

Program Mentor Allocation

MyScout offers a feature that provide overseer and program mentors privileges to a section where information related to that section is required for a Program Mentor to undertake their role. This functionality consists of two components:

1. Overseer: An overseer is appointed within MyScout for a section, typically the corresponding Branch Commissioner. This feature allows the individual to access all the sections within the Branch that they are assigned to.

2. Program Mentor: A Program Adviser can be allocated as the PM for a Unit or Group. This can be an ad-hoc process which will allow access to the relevant details for Leaders and Youth for the period required.

Set up of Section Overseer

Overseers are setup and authorised by Assistant Chief Commissioner (Program Support) in consultation with the ICT Manager at Scout Head Office.

Program Mentor Allocation

Once someone is assigned as an overseer, they will have access to all the sections they are overseeing. As part of this role, they can assign a Program Mentor to individual sections.

To do this, go to the relevant formation and select the Program Adviser tab. Click on "add new" and start typing the name in the Program Adviser text box.
A list of members will appear, and you can allocate them by selecting their name and clicking "save".
Afterward, the assigned member will be able to view the corresponding formation they have been assigned to. If you need to remove a Program Adviser, follow the same process but click on the delete button located under Program Advisers.

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