The advantages of syncing files from Teams using OneDrive is that you will be able to access the files offline and they are available through My Computer (Windows Explorer) making it easier to access, view and edit. To sync the files follow the steps below. If you are using a Mac you will need to download and install OneDrive as it is not preinstalled like Windows.
Open Teams. This could be from the Teams application or through a web browser.
Navigate to the team you wish to sync, pick your the channel (in most cases this will be the General channel), click the Files tab and click Open in SharePoint as shown in red below.
The screenshots below are provided as a guide and may not fully represent the data you see within your individual login.
The SharePoint document library will open in your default browser (depending on your environment you might have to log on with your Office 365 credentials). If you only want to sync files from the current channel, feel free to hit the Sync button.
To choose from the entire team (all channels), click Documents as shown in red below.
Click the Sync button and OneDrive will open. Depending on whether or not you have synced your personal OneDrive or another SharePoint site you might need to log on and go through the first launch experience of OneDrive.
Depending on your browser you may see a message similar to the one below. This is provided as confirmation that OneDrive application should be opened.
Windows 10 will provide you a toast message confirming the sync, and open the local folder.
You can see in the above screenshot all channels are synced. If you prefer to keep only a subset of the channels you can click the OneDrive icon in the bottom right corner and choose Settings, followed by Choose folders.
If you sync the whole team, and someone adds a channel, those files won’t sync until you add the folder from Settings – Choose folders in OneDrive.