How does a User create a Care Profile? (With an existing account) (Community Edition)

How does a User create a Care Profile? (With an existing account) (Community Edition)

How does a User create a Care Profile? (With an existing account) (Community Edition)

For Community Edition

There are two ways Profile Owners (i.e., parents, adult club members, adult participants, employees, etc.) can create a Care Profile:

  • Creating a profile by using the invitation sent by the Organisation
  • Creating a profile directly on the Operoo website


1. When an Organisation requested you to create a profile, an email invitation will be sent to you.

2. Click on Already Operoo user? Sign In, and you'll be taken to the login page.

3. After logging in to your account, you'll see a Profile Request from the Organisation under the Requests section. Click Create Profile, follow the prompts, and completely fill out the form.

NOTEA profile will not be shared with the Organisation until it's complete. An Update Required message will be shown at the bottom of a profile that will indicate an incomplete form. There will also be an notification in the "Requests" section that will show the need to complete the profile. If you need help in completing a profile, you can refer to this article.

4. After you've completed the profile, you will be directed to the Consent page along with the information of the requesting Organisation. Click on the I Agree button to consent and share the profile with them. 

To check if you've successfully shared the profile, please click on the profile. 

Go to the Sharing section and look for the Organisation's name. 

5. You can also share a profile with a second parent, carers, or family members. For more information, please check this article.


1. Log in to your Operoo account.

2. Click on Add New Care Profile, follow the prompts, and fill out the form completely. For this example, we will create a profile for Tracy Anderson.

If an Organisation adds a profile on their system, you will see a notification similar to the one below in your Operoo account asking you to create a profile. Clicking on the Create Profile button will take you to the profile creation page. In this process, a profile will automatically be shared with an Organisation once completed. Otherwise, you'll need to share it. Here's an article that will guide you in sharing a profile with an Organisation.

3. After you've completed the profile, you will be directed to the Consent page along with the information of the requesting Organisation. Click on the I Agree button to consent and share the profile with them. 

A profile will not be shared with the Organisation until it's complete. An Update Required message will be shown at the bottom of a profile that will indicate an incomplete form. There will also be an notification in the "Requests" section that will show the need to complete the profile. If you need help in completing a profile, you can refer to this article.

Once the profile is completed and the Organisation adds a profile at their end with the same, you will see a notification similar to the one below in your Operoo account asking you to share a profile with them. Simply click the drop-down menu to share the correct profile with the org and then click the Share Profile button. 

4. You can also share a profile with a second parent, carers, or family members. For more information, please check this article.

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